Interactive Fiction Games Day
_____________ Play-through ‘Will Crowther’s Colossal Cave Adventure was
neither the first computer game nor the first program to emulate
conversation; ne...
1 day ago
This looks really good!
I am at the other end of the country and have no plans to be in London soon but I shall promote it those I know.
Just read the New York Times article on the Semina exhibition. "A Return Trip to a Faraway Place Called Underground".
Having just watched Night Tide with Dennis Hopper last night I was surprised to see Cameron was a friend of your father's and appears on the cover of Semina #1.
I am a fan of Curtis Harrington and he made a movie Wormwood Star about Cameron which is proving hard to find.
Cover of Sgt Pepper's eh?
Cameron was a very close friend of the family. "Night Tide" is a film that everyone should see. It captures the spooky element of Venice, California. At least for me it does. But yeah it's a beautiful film. "Wormwood Star" is a must for fans of Curtis and Cameron. I suspect one of these days it will come out on DVD or at the very least be shown with her (future) exhibition. There is a biography on her that is coming out shortly. Hopefully next year. Fascinating woman...
night tide classic ..of course
the harrington/hopper dvd commentary is terrific
cameron-jack parsons!..a mandala of intrigue
camden show ...great..terrific
recently saw "cool school" dvd, dean stockwell and hoppy talkin about the huge influence of wallace berman. beautiful. for an artist to be that huge an influence on other artists is often more important
than $$$ and fame..often?... always!
Hi. Wow.
What serendipity!
I visited Camden Arts Centre just this evening with my kids to see this exhibition. I had never heard about Wallace Berman before but it absolutely blew me away. I'm a first year BA Fine Art student and theres so much more I can catch up with now. Just thought I'd let you know his work is being discovered by people like myself who knew nothing about it and it is very inspiring. I'll be certainly recommending it to everyone I come across!
hey tosh,!
i'm amking my way to your father's work this saturday, i'm a bit gutted that i'm missing the talks tho :( have to say that your fathers and his friends work has a huge influence on the work of myself and my friends, i love his 'have a go' attitude.we have a club in london that was inspired by semina and the culture surronding it it's called the vout"o"roonie if you ever come to london you will always be on our free entry list :)
yours truely
Chardine Taylor-Stone
aka Miss Chazmatazz
"art is life is god"
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