Uday presents … Redburn and Bartleby
Summary entry in The Encyclopedia Britannica: Herman Melville, orig.
Herman Melvill, (born Aug. 1, 1819, New York, N.Y., U.S.—died Sept. 28,
1891, New Yo...
2 days ago
OMG! Sparks at the Jacques Martin show. Special for Tosh: Jacques Martin was the first husband of Cecilia Ciganer-Albeniz who later married Nicolas Sarkozy, you know, before Carla Bruni.
Martin is a former opera singer who animated a horrible forerunner to American Idol ("L'ecole des Fans"), where little children had to belt out the greatest hits of unspeakable stars such as Mireille Matthieu.
Ah the twisted history of French pop culture! i love it. And Cecilia Cianer-Albeniz sort of looks like Carla Bruni right?
that's right Cecilia and Bruni looks alike. Ah, men stuck with "type".
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