Tuesday, November 12, 2013

KChung Radio Interview with Tosh Berman

Photo by Wallace Berman, 1959


I did an interview on KChung Radio with Soo Kim and Lisa Ohlwiler with respect to a photograph that my father Wallace Berman took of me. 36:20 and somewhere in that time-frame the interview starts, but the whole show is interesting. All regarding the issues of photography.


ElNeato said...

good stuff (on your part)

based on your eclectic yet very focused fandom…i'd bet you had a cowboy fave in the 50's?? radio or tv

roy rogers, marshall dillon, bat masterson, the six shooter, shane??? fess (parker) up festus


Tosh Berman said...

When I did watch TV, I loved the westerns. Everything from "Wagon Train" to "Have Gun Will Travel." Also "Rifleman" was of great interest. Odd show. But as a small kid I loved Walt Disney's Zorro.